Lectures to Watch 2014 - 2018

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Following is a collection of lectures, discussions, and conversations to watch:

Please feel free to download these lectures, share them with friends, play them anywhere for anyone.  If they're helpful to you and you're able to do so, consider making a donation to support this activity to:

Coyote Institute, P.O. Box 578, Brattleboro, VT 05302-0578 (we are a not-for-profit under section 501(c)3 of the IRS code).

Thanks, and let me know what you thought of the material.


This was a conversation sponsored by Coyote Institute on epigenetics in psychology and its implications.
This is a lecture conducted at Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont, for an undergraduate class on Native American Ceremonies.
This is one of my favorite stories and is crucial for understanding Lakota ceremony and ritual, since all fall back on the four directions.  I told this story at Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont, to a room of undergraduates interested in wellness and alternative medicine and in ceremony and ritual.  Some of them were planning to attend a sweat lodge ceremony, for which this story is essential preparation.
This lecture came from a Johnson State College class also on Native American Ceremony and it's getting more into the concepts behind ceremony.

Here is the story of Scarface, who brought the sweat lodge to the people by journeying to where the Sun sleeps at night.  This story was told at Johnson State College to a group of undergraduates in December 2010: http://tui.na5.acrobat.com/p83624872/

My conversation with NYC health journalist Sheldon Lewis on What we Can Learn from Tucson and why not to over-react.  See www.futurehealth.org for the related blog on this topic.

Psychology Today Interview

Below is my lecture from the New Hampshire-Maine Family Medicine Residencies Retreat on "Teaching Healing within Family Medicine Residencies" from 7 October 2014:
Below is my lecture on managing cognitive impairment in a primary care setting.  Please keep in mind that you will have to download any dropbox video to watch more than the first 15 minutes.  This lecture is from 31 August 2014.

Below is a video recording of my talk for the Summit of Shamanism conducted by Sounds True in February 2018. 

Here is the transcript of my Summit on Shamanism talk, sponsored by Sounds True, February 2018